The qualifying subjects for admission to first-degree studies
biology or chemistry or mathematics
The education on Zootechnics field of studies includes issues concerning livestock breeding and raising and evaluation of animal products. The students acquire knowledge from the range of functioning of organisms and physiological processes occurring in them. The study program includes issues of technologies and techniques in the range of production of food of animal origin with the preservation of animal health and welfare, plant cultivation and feed production, animal nutrition and animal products expertness.
First-degree studies – Zootechnics_I (general characteristic, educational effects, plans)
- chemistry, biochemistry, zoology, animal anatomy and physiology, genetics and methods of animal improvement,
- plant cultivation, preparation and conservation of feeds, animal nutrition,
- raising and utilization of livestock, reproductive biology,
- hygiene, welfare and health protection of livestock,
- organisation of animal production,
- animal products expertness,
- social-humanistic subjects, economy and foreign language
Second-degree studies – Zootechnics_II
- experimental methods applied for animals, reproduction biotechniques, feed management and biotechnologies in feed production,
- planning and organization of animal breeding, environmentally-friendly methods of livestock and free-living animals farming, conservation breeding,
- modification of nutritive value of animal products, basic processing,
The integral part of stationary and non-stationary studies are terrain activities and professional practices which students can perform in WULS experimental objects and scientific institutions cooperating with the University, leading private farms specializing in animal production and farms belonging to the State-Owned Enterprises, the Governmental Agencies as well as abroad, among others in the USA, in the UK, in Norway.
The cooperation of the Faculty with the institutions dealing with agriculture service and the companies working for agriculture allow for engagement of specialists from outside the Faculty in didactic process.
The graduates of Zootechnics field of studies receive the knowledge and skills from the range of theory and practice of rational animal raising, breeding and maintenance, plant cultivation, feed production and feed management. They are familiar with the market laws and agricultural marketing and the ability of making use of economic calculation. They are also prepared in the range of assessment of animal production output and animal products and raw materials expertness.