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Poultry Breeding Division

Wednesday 27.07.2011

The implemented research subjects
The already implemented and ongoing research projects
The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)
Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)
The range of the subjects of diploma papers which have been implemented and those possible to be implemented
Poultry Farm

The implemented research subjects

Unit of Poultry Breeding conducts the studies on poultry meat and egg quality. The studies concerning egg quality include analysis of factors, affecting morphological composition of eggs and, in particular, the quality of shell during the second period of laying period, depending on nutrition of hens. In the nutrition of hens, various feed additives are employed; they improve calcium conversion.

The studies on meat performance concern production results, quality of the product, composition of microflora of alimentary tract and the problems connected with the health state and the reasons for culling of the birds in the flock.

The studies concerning biology, conformation and production results and the quality of meat and eggs of the sole decorative hens in Poland, i.e. Ayam Cemani are a novelty in the Unit. Besides it, the research work is carried on production of crossbred of Ayam Cemani x Sussex with the aim to investigate the heritability of the carcass’ colour.

For many years, the Unit has been specialized in conducting the experiments with the application of modern, available feed additives and evaluating their effectiveness and their impact on the quality of the product.


The already implemented and ongoing research projects

  • Indicators of lipid metabolism suitable in selection aimed at limitation of fatness of meat type hens
    The impact of interaction: hen genotype x nutrition on the level of HDL, LDL and unsaturated fatty acids in egg;
  • The effect of A ochratoxin on growth and development of chickens and hens;
  • Determination of the level of cholesterol in blood and in eggs of hens of various populations of conservative and genetic reserve flocks;
  • The effect of interaction genotype of hens, nutrition, hygiene and management conditions on the quality of meat and eggs;
  • Lysozyme activity in egg depending on the hen genotype and environmental conditions;
  • Reaction of laying hens with different genotypes, fed the diet with the addition of oily seeds and antioxidants on the production results and quality of eggs;
  • The influence of storage of hen eggs on the changes in fatty acid content in yolks;
  • The influence of environmental conditions and origin of hens on the level of biologically active proteins of egg albumin;
  • The effect of A ochratoxin in feed on the results of production, reproduction and shaping of the selected parameters of cellular and humoral immunity of meat-type hens;
  • Elaboration of the principles of utilization of maize and wheat dried distiller’s grains with solubles in animal nutrition – Feeding of laying hens and broiler hens with wheat dried distillers grains – Nature University in Wrocław and Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW);
  • The influence of vegetal coccidiostatic compound on production results and quality of meat of quickly and slowly growing chickens;
  • “Project ‘Biofood” – innovative, functional products of animal origin” co-financed by the EU – development of production technology of broiler chickens, with the increased nutritive and health-promoting value prozdrowotnej.


The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)

  • Michalczuk M., Gajewska J., Górska A., Niemiec J., Rękosz-Burlaga H., 2008. Efektywność preparatu roślinnego i kwasu 3-hydroksy-3-metylomasłowego w żywieniu kurcząt brojlerów. Roczniki Naukowe PTZ, t. 4, nr 2, 65-72
  • Niemiec J., Stępińska M., Riedel J., Szeleszczuk P., 2008. The effect of ochratoxin A-contamined feed on reproductive output and chicks quality. XXIII World’s Poultry Congress, 30.06-4.07.08, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Pietrzak D., Mroczek J., Garbaczewska A., Florowski T., Riedel J., 2009. Effect of selected antimicrobial feed additives on the quality of meat and fat of chicken. Medycyna Wet. 65 (4), 268-272
  • Łukasiewicz M., Michalczuk M., Gajewska J., Wilczyńska-Czyż K., Niemiec J., 2009. Wheat distilled dried grains with solubles (DDGS) as a replacer of extraction soil meal in nutrition of broiler. Annals of Warsaw Agricult. Univ. – SGGW, Animal Sci.46, 315-322
  • Michalczuk M., Pietrzak D., Mroczek J., Niemiec J., Łukasiewicz M., 2009. Results of rearing and technological traits of meat of slaughter chickens depending of their slaughter age. Annals of Warsaw Agricult. Univ. – SGGW, Animal Sci. 46, 323-328
  • Łukasiewicz M., Michalczuk M., Pietrzak D., Adamczak L., 2009. Chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of meat of Ayam cemani hens and cocks. Annals of Warsaw Agricult. Univ. – SGGW, Animal Sci. 46, 307-314
  • Gajewska J., Bucka J., Żabik A., Riedel J., Michalczuk M., 2009. Wpływ preparatów roślinnych na stan mikroflory jelitowej brojlerów kurzych. Ochrona środowiska i zasobów naturalnych Nr 41, 302-309
  • Gajewska J., Michalczuk M., Łukasiewicz M., Wilczyńska-Czyż K., Niemiec J., 2010. Influence of Aminokarnifarm preparate on composition of intestinal microflora of chicken broiler. Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, No 47, 25-30
  • Gruszczyńska J., Łukasiewicz M., 2010. Microsatellite polymorphism in the study of genetic diversity of an experimental flock of Ayam Cemani breed. Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, No 47, 39-44
  • Michalczuk M., Pietrzak D., Niemiec J., Mroczek J., 2010. Effectiveness of vitamin D3 and calcidiol (25-OH-D3) application in feeding broiler chicken – production performance and meat quality. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sci. vol.60, No 2, 121-126
  • Czapla A., Niemiec J., 2010. Wpływ preparatu Ayucal na jakość skorupy jaj w drugiej fazie nieśności kur. Roczniki Naukowe PTZ, t.6, Nr 2, 123-130
  • Michalczuk M., Szara T., Bereznowski A., Serwa U., Winkowski M., 2010. Effect of administration of two forms of vitamin D in a feed mixture on the strength traits of the femur bone of broiler chickens. Roczniki Naukowe PTZ, t.6, Nr 2, 77-83

Moreover, the employees of the Division published 26 popular articles addressed to breeders, advisory service and breeding administration.


Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)

  • Chów drobiu pod red. E. Świerczewskiej. 2008. Boruta A., rozdz.: 8; Michalczuk M., rozdz.:11; Niemiec J., rozdz.: 4, 5, 11, 12; Riedel J. rozdz.: 4, 7; Siennicka A., rozdz. 1, 2, 13; Stępińska M., rozdz.:6, 9; Świerczewska E., rozdz.:3, 4,10. Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 2008, 1-238
  • Łukasiewicz M., 2008. Redakcja merytoryczna. Poradnik Hodowcy. Kury. Alain Fournier Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa, 1-95
  • Łukasiewicz M., 2009. Redakcja merytoryczna. Hodowla kur. Beate i Leopold Peitz, Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa, 1-96
  • Łukasiewicz M., 2009. Redakcja merytoryczna. Kury, gęsi, kaczki – poradnik hodowcy. Marie-Theres Estermann. Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa, 1-144


The range of the subjects of diploma papers which have been implemented and those possible to be implemented:

  • Lęgi u kur ozdobnych, gołębi oraz ptaków egzotycznych;
  • Hatches in decorative hens, pigeons and exotic birds;
  • Quality of eggs and meat of the selected breeds of decorative hens;
  • Rate of growth of quickly and slowly growing chickens managed under the same conditions;
  • The reasons for culling in the flock of hen broilers;
  • Evaluation of the strength of bones of broiler hens and turkeys;
  • Production results and quality of the meat and composition of microflora of alimentary tract of Piżmowa and Pekin ducks, being reared on litter and with an access to poultry yard;
  • Production results and quality of the meat of slaughter turkeys and of amateur breeds, being reared with an access to poultry yard;
  • The effect of vegetal preparations on production results, quality of meat and composition of microflora of alimentary tract of broiler chickens;
  • The effect of natural coccidiostatic compounds on production results and composition of microflora of alimentary tract;
  • The effect of enzymatic additives on production results of chickens;
  • The effect of controlled moult of parental flock on the results of laying an rearing of broiler chickens;
  • The effect of the age of parental flock on the results of rearing of broiler chickens;
  • The influence of heating system on production results and quality of litter.


Poultry Farm

The Unit has a modern experimental base at its disposal; it is situated at the territory of Agricultural Experimental Plant Wilanów in Obory (11, St.Kostki Potockiego str., 02-958 Warsaw, Experimental Breeding Centre Obory – Goździe, tel. 22 754-13-87, fax. 22 754-13-87) where, in one building with area of 1000 m2, there are separate compartments, indented for management of hens of different types in cages and on litter, for management of laying chickens and for broilers. The mentioned building is equipped with the modern system of heating and ventilation; there are individual cages for hens and the improved collective cages. In total, the farm may keep 2000 chickens and 500 laying hens.

In the discussed centre, the experimental work, implemented by the employees of the Unit, candidates for Ph.D. and M.Sc. degree, is carried on. Certain work, ordered by feed companies or other institutions are conducted, as well. In the years 2008 – 2010, the following ordered studies were implemented:

  1. The effect of Ronozyme WX in laying hens;
  2. The effect of the addition of Hy-D preparation on production results, dressing percentage, quality of broilers’ meat and strength of femural bone;
  3. Effect of addition of Crina Poultry+300 preparations to feed for broilers on the rearing performance;
  4. Effect of addition of Roxazyme G2 at the minimum dietary inclusion level (50 ppm) on performance of broiler chickens;
  5. Torelance study of Roxazyme GX in laying hens;
  6. The effect of Ayucal preparation on of eggshell strength;
  7. Effect of addition of Ronozyme ProAct on performance of broiler chicken.

Faculty of Animal Sciences - Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW