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Sheep and Goats Breeding Division

Thursday 1.09.2011

The implemented research subjects
The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)
Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)
The range of the topics of diploma papers of the students
Experimental Farm of Sheep and Goats

The implemented research subjects


  • „Evaluation of nutritional value of vegetation on the set-aside land, extensively grazed by the sheep of Wrzosówka breed (PROMOTER’S GRANT)”
  • „Colostrum of the sheep and milk of mare –production, processing and application in treatment and recovery of sick patients”
  • „Comparison of parameters of reproduction and milk yield and value of slaughter material in Polish Lowland sheep of Żelaźnienska variety, kept in different environmental conditions”
  • „The role of extensive grazing in shaping of natural and animal environment”
  • „The effect of extensive grazing of the sheep on botanical and chemical composition of vegetation from the set-aside land”
  • „Improvement of the methods of behaviour and development of native sheep breeds, generated as a result of the domestication of their wild ancestors”
  • „Breeding work oriented to lowering of incidence of genetic determinants of prione proteins, sensitive to scapie in Wrzosówka and Żelaźnienska sheep”
  • „Utilization of native sheep breeds in production of lamb meat, destined for supply of market in the central Poland”


  • „Sustainable conservation of animal genetic resources in marginal rural areas: integrating molecular genetics, socio-economic and geostatistical approaches – ECONOGENE”
  • „Biofood” – innovative functional products of animal origin”


  • „Betterment of suitability of the Merino sheep kept in the companies of the Agency of Agricultural Real Estate, for production of slaughter lambs”
  • „Evaluation and improvement and productive utilization of the sheep of meat breeds, kept in the companies of the Agency of Agricultural Real Estate”
  • „Determination of genotypes of spongious encephalopathy (scapie) in Friesian sheep”
  • „Evaluation of frequency of genes and genotypes of scapie in the sheep kept in the companies of the Agency of Agricultural Real Estate”
  • „Evaluation of the effect of application of the supplementary feed mixture, based on phytoncides on the goat growth and development traits”


The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)

  • Brzostowski H., Niżnikowski R., Tański Z., 2008: Quality of goat meat from purebred French Alpine kids and Boer crossbreeds. Arch. Tierz. 51, 4, 381-388.
  • Fiszdon K., Niżnikowski R., Popielarczyk D., Cieśliński K., 2008: Main trends in changing body measurements of wrzosówka ewes kept extensively in semi-open sheds. Ann. Anim. Sci., Vol. 8, No. 4, 381-386.
  • Głowacz K., Niżnikowski R., Popielarczyk D., Strzelec E., Łozicki A., Klimaszewski K., Poleszczuk O., 2009: Botanical and chemical composition of fallow land grazed by sheep under extensive conditions. Options Mediterraneennes, 85, 129-134.
  • Łozicki A., Niżnikowski R., Głowacz K., Popielarczyk D., Klimaszewski K., Strzelec E., 2009: Evaluation of feeding values and yield of extensive pastures used in beef cattle grazing, Ann. Warsaw. Agricult. Univ. SGGW, Anim. Sci., 46, 221 – 229.
  • Lityński R., Niżnikowski R., Popielarczyk D., Strzelec E., Głowacz K., 2009: PRNP gene polymorphisms in Polish population of East-Friesian milk sheep, Ann. Warsaw. Agricult. Univ. SGGW, 46, 295 – 301.
  • Niżnikowski R., Popielarczyk D., Strzelec E., Głowacz K., 2009: Characterization of body constitution of old type Polish Merino ewes bred in mazowieckie voivodeship, Ann. Warsaw. Agricult. Univ. SGGW, Anim.Sci., 46, 301 – 307.
  • Dyrmundsson O. R., Niżnikowski R., 2010: North European short-tailed breeds of Steep: a review. Animal, vol. 4, 08, 1275-1282.
  • Strzelec E., Niżnikowski R., Głowacz K., Popielarczyk D., 2010. “Characteristics of rearing conditions of the Boer kids due to the maternal abilities of does”, Monograph, “Welfare and economic aspects of animal production”, Cracow, 146-157
  • Czub G., Niżnikowski R., Morales-Villavicencio A., 2010: Influence of age and sex on body conformation of alpacas bred In Poland. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 5-11
  • Morales-Villavicencio A., Niżnikowski R., Pietrzykowski P., Wierzbicki M., 2010: Fibre characteristics of Huacaya alpaca breed AT the age of 1 year. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 65-70
  • Morales-Villavicencio A., Niżnikowski R., Pietrzykowski P., 2010: Estimated share of veil part In Huacaya alpaca fleece. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 71-78.
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., Kuczyńska B., 2010. ”Effect of crossbreeding of Polish Merino ewes with rams of German Mutton Merino on growth rate and slaughter value of their offspring”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 101-118
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., 2010. ”Analysis of reproduction performance in flocks of Polish Merino sheep bred in five companies of the Polish Agricultural Property Agency”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 119-126
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., Kuczyńska B., 2010. ”Effect of sex on slaughter value of lambs of Berrichon du Cher bred in Poland”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 127-134
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., 2010. „Level of reproduction performance and body conformation of Berrichone du Cher sheep bred in Poland”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 135-142
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., 2010. ”Comparison of reproduction level and body conformation of Suffolk and Charollais sheep breed in Poland”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 143-148
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., Kuczyńska B., 2010. ”Effect of Rams of meat sheep breeds used in crossing schemes with Polish Merino ewes on slaughter value and meat quality of lambs”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 149-160
  • Niżnikowski R., Oprządek A., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., Kuczyńska B., 2010. ”Quality assessment of sheep and goat carcasses designed for national market”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 161-176
  • Niżnikowski R., Strzelec E., Popielarczyk D., Głowacz K., Lityński R., Rozbicka-Wieczorek A., 2010. ”Level of milk performance of sheep and goat suckled by their offspring bred under the conditions of alternative production systems”, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science, 47, 177-184


Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)

  • Radzik-Rant A., Rant W., 2005: Hodowla i użytkowanie zwierząt gospodarskich (red.) Henryk Grodzki. Rozdział: Hodowla i użytkowanie owiec. Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa
  • Niżnikowski R., (red.) 2005: Poradnik producenta jagniąt rzeźnych, Twigger Conferences Ltd. Warszawa. Niżnikowski R., 2006: Rasy Koni. Tłumaczenie podręcznika Martina Hallera, wspólnie z Kulisiewiczem J., Łojkiem J., i Parynow L., Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa.
  • Niżnikowski R., Kowalski Z.M., Strzelec E., 2007: Chów kóz, Oficyna Wydawnicza „HOŻA”, Warszawa.
  • Niżnikowski R., 2008: Przydomowy chów królików (tłumaczenie z języka niemieckiego na polski książki Alice Stern pt. Kaninchen richtig halten). Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa, wydanie II.
  • Niżnikowski R., 2008: Przydomowy chów drobiu (tłumaczenie z języka niemieckiego na polski książki Alice Stern pt. Gefluegel artgerecht halten). Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa, wydanie II.
  • Niżnikowski R. (red.) 2008: Hodowla i chów owiec. Wydawnictwo SGGW (wydanie II), Warszawa (autorstwo wstępu i rozdziałów: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 i 15).
  • Niżnikowski R., 2008: Chów kóz. Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa.
  • Gut A., Kawęcka A., Kieć W., Niżnikowski R., Sikora J., 2009: Hodowla merynosa polskiego starego typu. Wydawnictwo Instytutu Zootechniki – PIB, Instytut-praktyce, b – 1/2009.
  • Strzelec E., 2010: Gołębie – chów i hodowla. Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa.
  • Morales-Villavicencio A., 2010: Chów alpak. Oficyna Wydawnicza „MULTICO”, Warszawa.


The range of the topics of diploma papers of the students

Due to the research subjects, the employees of the Unit are involved in the production technology of the following animals:

  • the sheep and goats
  • cameloids
  • game animals in the conditions of farm management
  • decorative and mail pigeons

The studies are focused on the problems concerning performance in the mentioned above groups of animals, and, in particular, in the utilization of wool, meat and milk and reproduction aspects. In the field of food production, the subjects concerning the evaluation of the effect of different genetic as well as environmental factors on quality traits of milk and meat are dominating. The conducted breeding work is aimed at improvement of utility traits of the sheep in respect of quantity as well as quality of the obtained product, with consideration of modern methods and molecular genetics. Also, there are the studies of the origin of animal species which are found in the range of the Unit’s activities and the aspects of the effect of the discussed animals on natural environment. The subjects concerning the culture of countryside are implemented, as well.


Experimental Farm of Sheep and Goats

The Prof.Adam Skoczylas Experimental Farm of Sheep and Goats in Żelazna

96-116 Dębowa Góra

tel. (046) 8313911

Head: prof. dr hab. Roman Niżnikowski

The employees: Gabriela and Leszek Brudkowie

The farm was organized in 1988 as a separated object in Experimental Farm Żelazna, subject organizationally to the Chair of Animal Breeding of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW).

The leading research studies are concentrated on the following problems: conservative breeding of Wrzosówka and Żelaźnienska sheep, production of slaughter lambs in the soil conditions of rye-potato soil complex based on inter-breed crossbreeding, evaluation of reproduction and milk performance traits of the domestic sheep and goat population. The conducted work is aimed at production of meat breed of Burskie goats. Also, the studies were commenced on production of two synthetic lines of the sheep intended for production of slaughter lambs for the needs of Polish market.

The discussed farm is the main object where the field classes with the students of the following faculties are implemented: animal science, agriculture and economical-agricultural one. The collection of several sheep breeds served this purpose.

At present, the following research work is conducted in the farm:

  • „Improvement of the methods of behaviour and development of native sheep breeds, generates as an effect of the domestication of their ancestors”
  • „Breeding work oriented to lowering of incidence of genetic determinants of prione proteins, sensitive to scapie in Wrzosówka and Żelaźnienska sheep”
  • „Utilization of native sheep breeds in production of lamb meat, destined for supply of market in the central Poland”
  • „Evaluation of the effect of application of the supplementary feed mixture, based on phytoncides on the goat growth and development traits”

Faculty of Animal Sciences - Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW