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Cattle Breeding Division

Tuesday 19.07.2011

The implemented research subjects
The already implemented and ongoing Projects of KBN – State Committee for Scientific Research (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) (own, promoter’s and internal projects)
The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)
Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)
The range of the subjects of diploma papers (for titles of M.Sc. and Engineer)
Farm of dairy cattle
The range of the rendered services and advisory activity

The implemented research subjects

  • Analysis of factors, affecting the content of nutrients and health-promoting components in cow milk.
  • Analysis of nutrition and cow management conditions in family farms, specialized in milk production.
  • Evaluation of the effect of milk yield and of successive lactations on the run of cow milking.
  • Studies on the factors, determining the length of cow performance and the reasons for cow culling in big and small-herd breeding.
  • Behaviour of cows and their productivity in the period of passage from tying stall to loose-housing system.
  • Specification of the factors, determining the reproduction performance of dairy cows.
  • Influence of parental effect on the run of calving and growth of beef calves.
  • Effect of confirmation and condition of beef cows during mating period and before calving on the run of parturition and the selected reproduction parameters.
  • Effect of ecological management of cattle on technological suitability of milk and the content of health-promoting components.
  • The studies on the effect of feed additives on modification of the composition of milk fat and protein fraction.
  • Utilization of commercial crossbreeding for improvement of the quantity and quality of the produced beef.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of utilization of the selected dairy cattle breeds.
  • Factors, determining the content of bioactive proteins of raw milk.
  • The level of lactoferrin as a marker of cytological quality of milk.
  • The effect of the season and system of production in ecological farms on the content of functional milk components.
  • Evaluation of cytological and microbiological quality of milk in farms specialised in ecological system of milk production.
  • The effect of the system of cow management in farms on milk quality.
  • The effect of cytological quality of milk on technological parameters of raw milk.
  • The effect of the level of antioxidants in feeds on their content in cow milk.
  • Factors, determining the content of functional fatty acids in beef meat.
  • The effect of various factors on the content of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) dienes in milk and meat.
  • Determination of the components with antioxidant properties in milk and meat, using HPLC method.
  • Analysis of utilization of commercial crossbreeding as the method for improvement of quantity and quality of Polish beef meat.
  • The effect of the selected components on the run of parturitions of dairy cows, inseminated with the semen of the bulls of the specialised beef breeds.
  • The effect of the selected factors on vitality of the crossbred calves, coming from commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds.
  • The effect of cow body weight and the sequence of calving on the run of parturitions of dairy cows, inseminated with the semen of the bulls of specialised beef breeds and on the vitality of crossbred calves.
  • The effect of the type of parturition and calf body weight at birth on fattening value of crossbred calves, coming from commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds.
  • The effect of genotype of crossbred calves coming from the commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds on their fattening value.
  • The effect of genotype of crossbred calves coming from the commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds on basic indicators of slaughter value.
  • Analysis of the factors, determining the quality of semen of farm animal males.
  • The effect of environmental factors on reproduction parameters.
  • Behaviour of cows in heat and perinatal period.
  • The effect of the conditions of management of calves, heifers and cows on rearing conditions and performance.
  • Analysis of nutrition systems of dairy cows.
  • Characteristics of the systems of cow milking.
  •  The effect of the systems of calves’ rearing on their growth and health state. 


The already implemented and ongoing Projects of KBN – State Committee for Scientific Research (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) (own, promoter’s and internal projects)

  • Effect of conformation and condition of beef cows during mating period and before calving on the run of parturition and the selected reproduction parameters.
  • Comparison of technological and health-promoting value of cow milk coming from ecological and traditional farms from the region of central Poland.
  • Evaluation of the effect of the application of own method for habitual training of high-pregnant cows and heifers in big commercial barns on the improvement of human – animal relationships (HAR) and welfare and performance of cattle.
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of utilization of the cattle of Montbeliarde and Black-and-White variety of Polish HF breed.


The most important scientific publications (2008-2010)

  • Duszewska A. M., Baumgart U., Kunowska-Slósarz M., 2008: Wybrane biotechniki rozrodu stosowane eksperymentalnie w hodowli psów. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 64 (10), 1188-1190.
  • Kunowska-Slósarz M., Slósarz J., 2008: Znaczenie temperamentu w hodowli bydła mięsnego. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 64 (1), 20-23.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Grodzki H., Kuczyńska B., 2008: Przydatność nasion lnu do modyfikacji składników frakcji tłuszczowej mleka krów. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 64 (1), 85-87.
  • Pikul J., Wójtowski J., Danków R., Kuczyńska B., Łojek J., 2008: Fat content and fatty acids profile of colostrum and milk of primitive Konik horses (Equus caballus gmelini Ant.) during six months of lactation. Journal of Dairy Research 75, 302-309.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., 2008: Relationship between calving course and calf body weight at birth and calf/cow body weight ratio. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, seria Animal Husbandry, vol. 11, issue 3, 1-7.
  • Gołębiewski M., Brzozowski P., 2008: Comparison of dairy performance of Montbeliarde and Black and White cows housed at the same environmental conditions. Annals of Animal Science, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2008), 3-11.
  • Grodzki H., Przysucha T., 2008: Produkcja wołowiny w Polsce – teraźniejszość i przyszłość. Prace i Materiały Zootechniczne 65 (2008), 7-15.
  • Grodzki H., Przysucha T., Majchrzak B., 2008: The influence of calf body weight at birth and its vitality on body weight at weaning of French beef breeds calves. Сельскоe Хозяйство – Проблемы и перспективы, cборник научных трудов том 2. Гродненский Государственный Аграрный Университет, Гродно, 322-326.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Grodzki H., Kuczyńska B., Przysucha T., 2008: Wpływ pozażywieniowych czynników na zawartość składników prozdrowotnych mleka krów. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ t. 4 (2008), nr 2, 115-124.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., 2007: Wpływ pochodzenia stada na tempo wzrostu cieląt i młodzieży rasy limousin. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ t. 3 (2007), nr 4, 187-196. (ukazało się w 2008).
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Szumera S., 2007: Wpływ pochodzenia stada na przebieg porodów krów rasy limousin. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ t. 3 (2007), nr 4, 277-282. (ukazało się w 2008).
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Szumera S., 2007: Wpływ pochodzenia stada na przebieg porodów krów rasy limousin. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ t. 3 (2007), nr 4, 277-282. (ukazało się w 2008).
  • Gołębiewski M., Brzozowski P., 2009: Porównanie wskaźników rozrodu krów rasy montbeliarde oraz polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej odmiany czarno-białej. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 65 (8), 566-570.
  • Kunowska-Slósarz M., Różańska J., 2009: High yielding cows and their calves’ behaviour in the perinatal period. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ t.5 (2009), nr 2, 191-199.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Grodzki H., Kuczyńska B.,. Zdziarski K, 2009: Wpływ dawki pokarmowej na zawartość składników frakcji tłuszczowej mleka krów. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 65 (7), 487-491.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Kuczyńska B., Grodzki H., Slósarz J., 2009: Wpływ wybranych czynników na zawartość skonjugowanego kwasu linolowego w mleku krów. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 65 (5), 326-329.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., 2009: Wpływ wybranych czynników na długość ciąży krów ras mięsnych. Rocz. Nauk. PTZ, tom 5 (2009), nr 1, 65-72.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Gołębiewski M., 2009: Wpływ ciąży bliźniaczej na przebieg porodu i żywotność cieląt urodzonych w wyniku krzyżowania towarowego krów czarno-białych z buhajami piemontese. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 65 (2), 134-136.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Slósarz J., Gołębiewski M., Kunowska-Slósarz M., 2009: Wpływ kondycji krów rasy limousine przed ocieleniem na rodzaj porodu. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 65 (12), 854-856.
  • Przysucha T., 2009: Osobnicze uwarunkowania przebiegu ocieleń krów oraz umięśnienia i żywotności cieląt pochodzących po buhajach rasy piemontese użytkowanych w Polsce i we Włoszech. Rozprawa habilitacyjna. Wyd. SGGW, 1-136.
  • Kuczyńska B., Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., 2009: Relationship between content of phospholipids in milk and stability of milk fat globule membrane and the effect of some factors on the frequency of their destabilization. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW 46, 2009: 289-294.
  • Grodzki H., Przysucha T., Slósarz J., 2010: The influence of commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows with bulls of French breeds (Blonde d’Aquitaine, Charolaise, Limousine) on calving course. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 31-38.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Palińska K., Grodzki H., 2010: Effect of multiple pregnancies on cow milk production and reproduction indices. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 87-92.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Palińska K., Grodzki H., 2010: Multiple pregnancies in cattle and the frequency of their occurrence. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 93-100.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Stachelski P., Grodzki H., Kuczyńska B., 2010: Fat fraction components’ content in milk of Polish Red cows. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 79-86.
  • Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Slósarz J., 2010: Związek między indeksem powierzchni miednicy a masą ciała, wysokością w krzyżu i obwodem klatki piersiowej krów ras mięsnych. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 66 (3), 210-212.
  • Slósarz J., Przysucha T., Grodzki H., 2010: Influence of cow body weight and condition score before calving on calving course of Charolaise cows. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 193-198.
  • Slósarz J., Przysucha T., Grodzki H., 2010: The influence of chosen factors on calving course in commercial crossing of Black and White cows with Blonde d’Aquitaine bulls. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 199-204.
  • Slósarz J., Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Majchrzak B., 2010: The influence of selected factors on Limousine and Charolaise beef calves vitality. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 47, 185-192.
  • Gołębiewski M., Brzozowski P., Gołębiewski L., 2010: Analysis of lactation curves of milk, basic milk constituents, somatic cell count and urea in milk of Montbeliarde and Polish Holstein-Friesian cows by mathematic model Wood. Acta Veterinaria Brno, Czech Republic – przyjęte do druku
  • Kuczyńska B., Gołębiewski M., Puppel K., Brzozowski P., 2010: Comparison of fat and protein fractions of milk constituents of Montbeliarde and Polish Holstein-Friesian cows originated from the selected farm in Poland. Acta Veterinaria Brno, Czech Republic – przyjęte do druku
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., Palińska K., Grodzki H., 2010: Wpływ ciąży mnogiej na powikłania porodu i okresu okołoporodowego oraz na śmiertelność cieląt. Medycyna Weterynaryjna – przyjęte do druku


Textbooks and course books (2005-2010)

  • Hodowla i użytkowanie zwierząt gospodarskich. Praca zbiorowa pod red. H. Grodzkiego. Wyd. SGGW, Warszawa 2005, str. 1-477.
  • Produkcja zwierzęca. Cz. II. Bydło i trzoda chlewna – praca zbiorowa pod red. Teresy Nałęcz-Tarwackiej, Hortpress Sp. z o.o., Warszawa, 2006, 1-331.
  • Produkcja zwierzęca. Cz. III. Owce, kozy, konie, drób, pszczoły i króliki. Praca zbiorowa pod red. T. Nałęcz-Tarwackiej. Hortpress, Warszawa, 2007, 1-472.
  • Nałęcz-Tarwacka T., 2009: Chów bydła w małym gospodarstwie. Oficyna Wydawnicza MULTICO, 1-88.
  • Chów bydła mięsnego. Praca zbiorowa pod red. H. Grodzkiego. Wielkopolskie Wydawnictwo Rolnicze, Poznań, 2009, 1-184.
  • Metody chowu i hodowli bydła. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Henryka Grodzkiego. Wyd. SGGW – przyjęte do druku

Moreover, the employees of the Division published 41 popular articles addressed to breeders, advisory service and breeding administration.


The range of the subjects of diploma papers (for titles of M.Sc. and Engineer):

  • Factors, determining the content of bioactive proteins of raw milk.
  • The level of lactoferrin as a marker of cytological quality of milk.
  • The effect of the season and system of production in ecological farms on the content of functional milk components.
  • Evaluation of cytological and microbiological quality of milk in farms specialised in ecological system of milk production.
  • The effect of the system of cow management in farms on milk quality.
  • The effect of cytological quality of milk on technological parameters of raw milk.
  • The effect of the level of antioxidants in feeds on their content in cow milk.
    Factors, determining the content of functional fatty acids in beef meat.
  • The effect of various factors on the content of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) dienes in milk and meat.
  • Determination of the components with antioxidant properties in milk and meat, using HPLC method.
  • Analysis of utilization of commercial crossbreeding as the method for improvement of quantity and quality of Polish beef meat.
  • The effect of the selected components on the run of parturitions of dairy cows, inseminated with the semen of the bulls of the specialised beef breeds.
  • The effect of the selected factors on vitality of the crossbred calves, coming from commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds.
  • The effect of cow body weight and the sequence of calving on the run of parturitions of dairy cows, inseminated with the semen of the bulls of specialised beef breeds and on the vitality of crossbred calves.
  • The effect of the type of parturition and calf body weight at birth on fattening value of crossbred calves, coming from commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds.
  • The effect of genotype of crossbred calves coming from the commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds on their fattening value.
  • The effect of genotype of crossbred calves coming from the commercial crossbreeding of dairy cows and the bulls of different beef breeds on basic indicators of slaughter value.
  • Analysis of the factors, determining the quality of semen of farm animal males.
  • The effect of environmental factors on reproduction parameters.
  • Behaviour of cows in heat and perinatal period
  • The effect of the conditions of management of calves, heifers and cows on rearing conditions and performance.
  • Analysis of nutrition systems of dairy cows.
  • Characteristics of the systems of cow milking.
  •  The effect of the systems of calves’ rearing on their growth and health state


Farm of dairy cattle

Manager of the farm: Łukasz Ładoń, M.Sc.
Address: 05-530 Konstancin-Jeziorna

The farm is situated in the Agricultural Experimental Station Wilanów-Obory at the distance of 20 km from the seat of the Faculty. There are 620 cattle heads kept on the farm, including 325 cows of Polish HF breed. Thirty years old buildings are gradually replaced by the new ones. At present, the in-milk cows are managed in two new loose-housing, box-type litter barns and the dried off cows are kept in identical system, in calf room where a half of space is occupied by 13 individual calf pens with area of 10.5 m2 each; the same quantity of cages is destined for calves kept during the period of feeding with colostrum.
Loose-housing grouped management of cows is functional and effective in respect of production but it makes individual care of animals and running of the studies difficult. The mentioned disadvantage will be liquidated after constructing the heifer room where, apart from the heifers, 50 tying stalls for the cows is anticipated.

Milk performance of 325 cows in 2010 is as follows:

– milk yield – 9950 kg

– protein yield – 419 kg

– fat yield – 330 kg

– fat content – 4.20%

– protein content – 3.30%

The range of the rendered services and advisory activity

  • Improvement of effectiveness of calves’ rearing
  • Technologies of dairy and beef cattle management
  • Improvement of milk quality
  • Technologies of cattle fattening
  • Implementation of commercial crossbreeding in dairy cattle herds
  • Selection in dairy and beef cattle herds
  • Cattle management in ecological farms
  • Chemical analyses of milk

Faculty of Animal Sciences - Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW